3/10/24 - Idanha: Music You Should Hear 

No update from me right now. I'm just writing a bunch of songs. I'll get ‘em to you as soon as I can. In the meantime, I want to try to drum up some support for my friends Idanha. They showed up on my radar last fall with their debut EP “Slow Horses, Bad Whiskey & Good Friends.” The only complaint I had about it was that it wasn’t longer. Well, now they've got their first full length record out. It's called “Valley Junction.” It's some seriously great western storytelling. Go get it from It's damned good.

2/3/24 - Reddit Users 

Just dropping by to say, if you're a reddit user head over to r/darkamericana and join our community! I'm working with a couple friends to resurrect the sub and  provide a space to talk about gothic country, dark americana, etc. We've got a lot of plans. A lot of us have been left behind and the publications that once wrote glowing reviews of our music won't even mention it on the upcoming releases calendars.  Hope to talk to you over there!

1/3/2024 - Quick Update 

Happy New Year folks! I'm officially olden. I turn 41 on Friday. Yep, that skinny kid who used to play punk rock dive bars with a shitty acoustic guitar through an old Sunn amp got too fat to fit into that thrift store 1970's cowboy suit and learned how to play the theremin. I still have the Sunn though.

I'm dying to share these songs we've been working on, but alas, I cannot. They aren't finished. For now, I thought I'd just let you all know that we're slowly recording new stuff and working out new songs all the time. I'll keep you updated!

12/3/23 - Off Social Media + General Update 

I've gone off all social media at least temporarily. Sitting and scrolling isn't good for anyone's mental health, and honestly I can't see how it's even useful for a musician who doesn't fit in anywhere to participate in anymore. What's the goal? To go viral? No thanks. In my opinion, the days of building a community around music via social media are over.

In the meantime, I'm here working on a bunch of new music and enjoying the beginning of winter here in Montezuma County, Colorado. Living in a piñon-juniper forest that's covered in snow it's pretty inspiring, and when the clouds come in it looks like some serious wizard shit is happening up on Mesa Verde just to the south.  I'll be sending out updates from now on only to my mailing list, and I have lots of things in the works, so please sign up at It's at the very top of the page.

5/24/23 - Scorched Earth, Black Heart Out Now! 

I'm a day late at updating the website, but SEBH is out now. Get the record and tapes from,, and the digital version from anywhere you like. 

All current orders have shipped and we still have some physical copies left. Orders are coming in steadily, but supply is limited so get your order in to make sure you can get your hands on a cassette or an LP. Please note that my store only allows me to select two shipping options, so I've set them for US and Europe. If you are in another region and overpay for shipping, I will refund the difference. You have my word. 

Let us know what you think of the record! We've been waiting for this day for a long time. We sure hope you like it!


4/10/23 - Preorder Scorched Earth - Black Heart Now! 

Preorder is now open exclusively at! We've got limited quantities of 180G black vinyl and cassette available now. The records should be in early in June and the tapes will be in by the end of April. These items will ship as soon as we have them.  For those of you who don't want a record or a tape but can't wait to hear it, I've also decided to open digital preorders. Please note that I will drop the price for digital to zero/name your price after the June 23 release date. I hope you all like the record!

3/5/2023 - Release Date Announced For Scorched Earth - Black Heart 

I've been working with Gotta Groove Records on nailing down a solid release date, and we finally got one! June 23, 2023 is the day. By this date I will have the limited edition vinyl and cassettes ready to ship out. Preorders for the limited edition packages will open on April 10, and when you preorder you'll get an instant download of the full album before the official release date! This offer is only valid while supplies last.  Preorders will be exclusively available at